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1. EUGÉNIO LUÍS DA COSTA ALMEIDA, Researcher, originally from Lobito, Angola, born on November 4, 1956; with dual nationality of Angola and Portugal (in reality, I hold four nationalities, although I consider myself a citizen of the global space: Angolan, Portuguese, African, and Lusophone language).
2. Academic Background:
- Final phase of Post-Doctorate at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Agostinho Neto University (Luanda, Angola) with the topic "Organizações Regionais e de Segurança Externa no Atlântico austral: os casos da Zona de Paz e Cooperação do Atlântico Sul (ZOPACAS) e da Comissão do Golfo da Guiné [Regional and External Security Organizations in the South Atlantic: the cases of the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic (ZOPACAS/ZPCAS) and the Gulf of Guinea Commission]";
- PhD in Social Sciences, specializing in International Relations (from ISCSP-UL), in November 2010, with the thesis "A União Africana e a emergência de Estados-Directores no Continente Africano: O Caso de Angola [The African Union and the emergence of Director States on the African Continent: The Case of Angola]", under the pedagogical guidance of Professor Dr. José Adelino Maltez (this thesis resulted in the book "Angola, Potência Regional em Emergência (Angola, Emerging Regional Power)" Colibri editions, Lisbon, 2011);
- Master's in International Relations, specializing in International Systems (obtained at the Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP-UL) da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - today Universidade de Lisboa), in February 2001, with the dissertation "Fundamentalismo e Tolerância Político-Religiosa em África (Repercussões nas Relações Externas do Continente Africano) [Fundamentalism and Political-Religious Tolerance in Africa (Repercussions on the External Relations of the African Continent)]" supervised by Professor Dr. António de Sousa Lara (from this dissertation, essays were developed: "Fundamentalismo Islâmico: A Ideologia e o Estado [Islamic Fundamentalism: The Ideology and the State]" published by Autonomia 27, Azeitão, 2003; and "África, Trajectos Políticos, Religiosos e Culturais [Africa, Political, Religious, and Cultural Trajectories}" published by Autonomia 27, Azeitão, 2004);
- I have a Bachelor's degree in International Relations (completed at the Universidade Lusíada [University of Lisbon], in 1991).
3. Professionally, I am currently an Researcher (PhD) at the Center for International Studies (CEI-IUL) of ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and an Associated Researcher at CINAMIL (Research Center of the Military Academy, Lisbon). I also collaborate – occasionally and when I have time, and never for pay – as a columnist and opinion analyst for the weekly Novo Jornal and d in the magazine "Figuras & Negócios" (both published in Angola), and various news portals, such as Vivências Press News, and sometimes for Jornal Folha 8, LusoMonitor, etc.; I also participate occasionally as a guest analyst on RTP-Africa, and on Deutsche Welle (Portuguese for Africa) and Radio France Internationale (in Portuguese); in addition, I am officially a " retired banking professional".
I have also contributed with opinion articles to the Lusophone Newspaper and the weekly Africa (as well as in the magazines “Africa-Hoje” and “Africa-Today”) or with Angolan information and culture magazines “Valor Acrescentado” and “Eventos”, as well as with the São Tomé weekly, “Correio da Semana”. Furthermore, some of my articles and blog notes are periodically published in African news agencies and outlets, with notable mentions of Angolan portals “Angola24Horas.com”,” Club-K” and “Correio Digital”, as well as occasionally in “AngoNotícias”.
4. Literarily and Culturally, I have some published works (essays) under my name and in literary anthologies; the most recent is a "compilation" published under the pseudonym Lobitino Almeida N'gola, which primarily features poetry, a few short stories, and other texts titled "Mazuí, poetry, short stories, and other words," published by Perfil Criativo Edições / Alende Edições (Autores.club). I have also published texts (academic essays) in international scientific publications..
5. Additionally, I'm a Blogger, with two blogs: one political-social (Pululu), where I express and comment on everything that weighs on my soul, and another cultural space (Malambas) where poets and storytellers have a place to share their work and where I also publish some topics under the pseudonym Lobitino Almeida N'gola; as well as a personal page (https://elcalmeida.net).
6. Socially: In addition to having been an associate of the African Studies Center at ISCTE-IUL (currently the International Studies Center of ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (CEI-IUL), where I am a researcher), I am a member of the Geographic Society of Lisbon, the African Borderlands Research Network (ABORNE), and the Association of Social Scientists of the Lusophone Space (ACSEL). I was also a board member of Casa de Angola (Lisbon) from January 2006 to December 2010(?) and served as the president of the General Assembly of a housing cooperative (Habitanova 2000).
Academic Profiles:
CEi-IUL (ISCTE-IUL): https://cei.iscte-iul.pt/investigacao/equipa/
Ciência ISCTE-IUL: https://ciencia.iscte-iul.pt/authors/eugenio-luis-da-costa-almeida/cv
CINAMIL: https://academiamilitar.pt/investigacao-e-inovacao/corpo-de-investigadores.html
Academia.edu: https://iscte-iul.academia.edu/Eug%C3%A9nioCostaAlmeida
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.pt/citations?hl=pt-PT&user=e51L4JUAAAAJ
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1259-5764
SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56117147100
Science ResearcherID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1259-5764
ResearcheGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eugenio_Luis_Da_Almeida
CiênciaVitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/F11C-3AF7-B4D7
SAJE Editors (Society of African Journal Editors): https://africaneditors.org/saje-members/